Each server instance must have its own set of ports These ports are specified using the ark_Port, ark_QueryPort and ark_RCONPort settings in the instance configuration If the QueryPort or Port settings are shared between multiple instances, then the server will often either crash or hang without being able to be queried serverMap = "Genesis" # 導入したいマップの文字列を入力 ark_ServerPassword = "" # サーバーに入るためのパスワード ark_SessionName = "ARK Server Tools" # 表示されるサーバー名 ark_ServerAdminPassword = "keyboardcat" # Adminコマンドを使うときに入力するパスワード how do i get mods to work on ark server manager becuase i went to the mod id spot and put the mod ids with a , seperating them for example "," and it said it wasn't a commaseperated list of integers so when i tried to start the server it said they couldn't be downloaded There are two buttons One opens a window to pick mods
Ark Modの導入方法について Pc版 人形は四畳半で夢をみる
Ark server manager mod 導入